Tuesday, 28 October 2014

A Million Ways to die in the West otherwise known as, 2 hours of Seth McFarlane shitting in your face

Mr. McFarlane, you're film was fucking awful. For twenty three minutes I sat and starred at the screen. I waited as a barrage of wildly unfunny jokes and astoundingly bad delivery from people who are supposed to be masters of the art form. For twenty three minutes I wondered if a single joke would land. For twenty three minutes I wondered how limited my life prospects were that I would keep sitting here, allowing myself to be showered in your toxic verbal diarrhea. Then, at twenty three minutes, I chuckled. I know it was twenty three minutes, because I paused the film just to check how long it took McFarlane to land one joke. It was a gay joke that finally got me. It was not overt, but it wasn't subtle. The joke felt natural, it felt like it should've been the weak joke in a good movie. And just like that it was gone, like a sliver of gold being washed away by a sea of unending shit. And that is all this movie is really, several jokes that would stand out on a bland episode of Family Guy that are drowned out in a nearly two hour flurry of bad writing, bad delivery, shoddy writing and half assed performances.
Let’s begin with the writing, it is absolutely terrible for pretty much the two hour duration. It's almost as if McFarlane had written down the premise on scrap paper as he took a shit and then handed it off to The Cleveland Show's writing team. The jokes all have this feeling of being recycled, like a comedian who has told the same joke a million times and has grown bored with it and passed it on too his protégé to recycle some more. The frontier is a dangerous place where any wacky thing can kill you, photographs weren't always instant, and the frontier had hookers, bar fights. That last sentence is how the movie feels, like the McFarlane and co., wrote down a list of stuff from the olden days and just filmed it, hoping that the joke would come in the moment or some shit. Even the cut away gags feel lazy. There’s no zing or surprise to them. They feel like a fat man squashed into an airplane seat. This kind of laziness is unacceptable from McFarlane and co. This brings us to the next point, with this hundred and how-ever many pages of unbelievable ineptitude the actors are wasted.  
The actors of the film are all incredibly talented, save one. Neeson, Harris, Ribbisi, Silverman even Gottfried have done wonderful things in the past but here they are simply left hanging, scrambling for a lifeline. Neeson as the villain is limp. Neeson can play a badass in his sleep and yet, somehow McFarlane’s shitty writing and direction makes clinch one of the worst bad guys I've ever seen. Neither funny nor menacing. Much of this seems to come from Leeson either not understanding his role or not caring at all about it. He has the usual grisly growl but his delivery seems off, like either the lines don’t work or Neeson is not sure of how clench his face and body as he delivers these lines.  
Silverman and Harris are left repeating their general shtick, but with all the joy and fun sucked out of it. Sarah Silverman for some reason is not doing her deadpan humour; instead she is made to over act and force unfunny lines at the screen. I’m pretty sure that here copy of the script was "You are a hooker, insert joke here". This is probably the biggest shame of the film. You have one of the most talented comics in the world, you could’ve given her a logline and had her write her own dialogue the night before and it would’ve probably turned out better than this. McFarlane quelled an angel while filming this and as such has saddened the world a little bit more.
Harris on the other hand is given the kitsch song and dance, maniacal mustache villain role. I've got no funnies to say about this role, it just stinks. Everyone in this movie stinks, being left with zingers like, "don't drink and horse!” Go fuck yourself and your lazy movie McFarlane. Speaking of whom, his 'acting' is the worst; he makes Tarantino look like Tom fucking Hanks.
Sure McFarlane can do some great voice work and he is a terrific performer, his Oscar's hosting was fantastic. You naysayers should just go back to your VCR and watch some eighties SNL reruns. His work in this movie though is god awful. Every line, of every joke that escapes his breath in this film will make you cringe. He is a self-aware cartoon character and that isn't funny, it's just sad. What makes it even worse is that his facial expressions almost never change. Think about it, McFarlane’s arms flailing wildly at the mere concept of a joke, while his face remains more frozen than a Keanu Reeves action figure. His vanity overcomes him in this film and chews the worn concept out until it’s a deranged mess.
Usually I like to put in a little something good about the movie, even if it's bad. Bucky Larson was made by people who had fun; Prometheus had ambition and so on. A Million Ways to die in the West has nothing good about it. It is recycled trash that should never have made it to production. What makes it all worse is that it is a film made by talented people who got lazy and are basically telling the audience to go fuck themselves for two hours while McFarlane rakes in the cash and laughs at the chumps he calls fans. This kind of dreck would be expected from the Wayans brothers, or the guys behind Meet the Spartans, but not from McFarlane. If I were McFarlane I would not have released this shit for the sheer sake of my career.

I truly hope that you're experience in making this dreck will only serve to make Ted 2 a better movie.

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